Monday, February 22, 2016

Re: Fun week!

Look in the distance of this one^
this was a forge for weaponry back in the day

Poses on poses

So I'll start at the beginning, we worked out an agreement between the neighboring elders to power exchange their area if they power exchange their area. A power exchange is when we go to their area and basically find new people for them to teach. So we did that and ended up finding two really solid people! Then they came to our area and we had a killer day when they did. We ended up teaching more in that day (with their car) than we do in most of our average weeks. It was awesome. We bonded with them and we hang out with them a lot now. The friendships you make on your mission are for life for sure. Basically that is the highlight of the day. Today was awesome! You should get an email from Brother Traveller containing a lot of pictures. Hopefully those with satisfy your curiosity of Virginias history. I've attached some as well. Also we are with the Massaponax elders, the ones who we power exchanged with! It was honestly a great p day. We just got done working out for the night, and I hope I can make this a habit for life. I definitely love working out now... It's starting to become a necessity for me which is awesome.

So I hope all is well at home! Tell me how everything is going! I miss all of you and hope that school is fun! Jacob, that sucks about the wisdom teeth; been there before. Sydney you should see how fast you can make it to school (my record is 6 minutes and 25 seconds). JUST KIDDING. Drive as slow as you can and make sure to always check your blind spots, just drive safe. I've heard about a lot of young girls that have been in car accidents and they are never the same after. Just be careful!! Dude Adam I love your R2-D2, like that is legit I wish I had one. Does that head move and does it talk to you? That would be way cool.. Love you to girls! Hope you guys are still loving life as always! And make sure you eat your veggies. Dad when you get your bike all built try not to crack it in half.. Well I guess if you did that Santa Cruz would just send you another one! Haha but really hope that it is going to turn out. I want to see some pictures of it when it's done! And mom I hope you're telling everyone that I'm baptizing everyday. Jk, but I'm trying as hard as I can. I love you a lot and can definitely feel your love through your emails! Stay healthy and don't drive yourself too crazy with an empty house... Haha I joke a lot.

I love you all! Thanks for your support and love. I'll talk to you next week! Oh and I was able to log onto your Amazon (don't report me), and I put a supplement in your cart. Can you send that to me Also you should order me a blender bottle! I think they're like $7. You don't have to buy me the cream unless you want to send it to me. It's kinda pricey. But I bought a protein powder last week because I'm dead out of the last one you sent me! Anyway I might get on occasionally and put one or two things in the cart. If I do in the future when ever you get on next could you send what ever it is to me? I'll only put the things that I need in it. Thanks! Did I already say I love you guys? Well here's a great scripture from 2nd Nephi:

20 Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word
of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life.

21 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.

Love you all again~

- Elder Caleb Gibbons

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